Sunday, March 14, 2010

today is pi day!

If my memory serves me correctly, three years ago today some of my dearest college friends and I celebrated Pi(e) Day. :)

A wonderful friend and I were leading a Bible Study, and it happened to land on 3.14 -- "Pi Day", which we decided to celebrate by taking our girls off campus for pie! What a delightful idea, we thought. We would give them a break in the middle of the week, enjoy some pie and fellowship. They would love it.

However, we did not anticipate the resistance we would encounter when we told the girls we had a "surprise" for them. We didn't take into account that we had gotten to the point in our bible study where our group was comfortable enough to come in sweatpants, no makeup, and pulled-back hair. Comfortable attire, but certainly not ready for a night out. By saying we had a "surprise", they were suddenly no longer comfortable with their attire... what if we were planning a surprise group date!

By the time we calmed their nerves, told them it was just us girls, and got to the restaurant, it was such a sweet time. Clearly, pie & great friends is a combination to fight for. :)

A gentle reminder on my facebook wall today that today is Pi Day reminded me of this story... I love this story. It is such a sweet memory. But it makes me nostalgic; it makes me miss college. The sweet relationships I formed, the fellowship and bonds formed over studying the Bible, the ease and spontaneity of both friendship and fellowship.

Growing up is good. I'm not sure I can emphasize that enough--God is good in bringing me out of college and into this new chapter of my life. Coming to seminary, entering a semi-adulthood, understanding what being part of a local church really looks like, the relationships I've formed, even getting engaged have happened since college. I'm grateful that I'm in a new part of my life. But at the same time, I miss college and all its goodness.

So I'm nostalgic for Pi(e) Day, and all that it means for me.

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking about college and how dear and wonderful the memories are a lot lately, too :)
